Snapshot Graph


class dynetworkx.SnapshotGraph(**attr)


Adding and removing nodes and edges

SnapshotGraph.__init__(**attr) Initialize self.
SnapshotGraph.add_nodes_from(nbunch[, sbunch]) Adds nodes to snapshots in sbunch.
SnapshotGraph.add_edges_from(ebunch[, sbunch]) Adds edges to snapshots in sbunch.

Manipulating Snapshots

SnapshotGraph.insert(graph[, snap_len, …]) Insert a graph into the snapshot graph, with options for inserting at a given index, with some snapshot length.
SnapshotGraph.add_snapshot([ebunch, graph, …]) Add a snapshot with a bunch of edge values.

Reporting Snapshots

SnapshotGraph.__len__() Return the number of snapshots.
SnapshotGraph.order([sbunch]) Returns order of each graph requested in ‘sbunch’.
SnapshotGraph.has_node(n[, sbunch]) Gets boolean list of if a snapshot in ‘sbunch’ contains node ‘n’.
SnapshotGraph.size([sbunch, weight]) Returns the size of each graph index as specified in sbunch as a list.
SnapshotGraph.is_directed([sbunch]) Returns a list of boolean values for if the graph at the index is a directed graph.
SnapshotGraph.is_multigraph([sbunch]) Returns a list of boolean values for if the graph at the index is a multigraph.
SnapshotGraph.number_of_nodes([sbunch]) Gets number of nodes in each snapshot requested in ‘sbunch’.[sbunch, nbunch, weight]) Return a list of tuples containing the degrees of each node in each snapshot

Making copies and subgraphs

SnapshotGraph.subgraph(nbunch[, sbunch]) Return a snapshot graph containing only the nodes in bunch, and snapshot indexes in sbunch.
SnapshotGraph.to_directed([sbunch]) Returns a list of networkx directed graph objects.
SnapshotGraph.to_undirected([sbunch]) Returns a list of networkx graph objects.